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Friday, November 24, 2023

09:00 AM  
Black Friday

11:30 AM  
Friday Sail on Sale

Visit our Sail on Sale Instead! The fall season brings cooler temperatures and fantastic sailing days in south Texas. Please join South Coast Sailing Adventures for a special priced club sail and an afternoon on Galveston Bay.  Plus, visit us during our Sail on Sale event and get your mystery holiday coupon!  You could win discounts on classes, merchandise, club memberships, charters and more! 

Schedule  11:30 am   Check in at SCSA; complete skipper & crew briefing 

12:00 pm   Depart the dock for an afternoon sail   

4:00 pm   Return to the dock; clean and secure the boat 


Public: $80  Club Members:  $65 

Additional $10 late registration fee applies after Wednesday, November 22.


South Coast Sailing Adventures

913 N. Meyer Avenue, Seabrook, TX 77586

Latitude: 29° 56.1'  N
Longitude: 95° 02.5' W




Copyright © 2024 South Coast Sailing Adventures