Our School is an American Sailing Association Training Facility and our instructors are all highly experienced Offshore and Bay Sailors with backgrounds in cruising and racing. All are ASA certified instructors and USCG licensed Captains.
Voted an ASA Outstanding Sailing School
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ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Certification
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We love seeing our students advance!
Click to watch a video of our students working together in the Clear Lake Wednesday Night Race!
*NEW* INTRODUCTION TO SAILING PROGRAM Introduction to Sailing Program
Price: $159.00 Length: 3 hours Prerequisite: None
General Description:
This hands-on lesson will give you basic sailing terminology, rigging techniques, and basic sailing maneuvers aboard one of our outstanding training vessels. This program is a great way to be introduced into the enjoyment, relaxation, and adventure of sailing! Please note that this course is not an American Sailing Association Certification.
BASIC KEELBOAT (ASA 101) ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Certification
Price: $336.00 (includes $39.00 certification fee, text book and official ASA logbook)
Length: 2 days Prerequisite: None
General Description:
Learn to sail on a Colgate 26 in light to moderate winds and sea conditions in familiar waters without supervision. No preparatory standard; no auxiliary power or navigation skills required.
Students that successfully complete the Basic Keelboat Course will receive certificates for a free 3 1/2 hour Skipper Skill Building session with an instructor and other students. In addition, graduates will receive a free 4-hour charter on one of our 27ft or less sailboats.
BASIC COASTAL CRUISING (ASA 103) ASA 103 Basic Coastal Cruising Certification
Price: $397.00 Length: 2 days Prerequisite: ASA 101
General Description:
Able to cruise safely in local and regional waters as both skipper and crew on an auxiliary powered sailboat of about 25 to 35 feet in length, in moderate winds and sea conditions.
BAREBOAT CHARTERING (ASA 104) ASA 104 Bareboat Chartering Certification
Price: $457.00 Length: 2 nights, 3 days, live aboard Prerequisite: ASA 101 & 103
General Description:
An advanced cruising Standard for those with some cruising experience. The individual can act as skipper or crew of a 30 to 50 foot boat sailing by day in coastal waters. Includes instruction on boat systems and maintenance procedures.
COMBO COURSE (ASA 103 & 104) ASA 103 & 104 Combination Course Certification
Price: $778.00 Length: 3 nights, 3 days, live aboard Prerequisite: ASA 101
General Description:
Courses 103 and 104 are combined into a 3 night, 3 day live aboard adventure.
COASTAL NAVIGATION (ASA 105) ASA 105 Coastal Navigation Certification
Price: $379.00 Length: 2 classroom days Prerequisite: None
General Description:
Able to demonstrate the navigational theory required to safely navigate a sailing vessel in coastal or inland waters. There is no Sailing Skills part to the Standard and practical application of this sailing knowledge is found in the Advanced Coastal Cruising Standard.
ADVANCED COASTAL CRUISING (ASA 106) ASA 106 Advanced Coastal Cruising Certification
Price: $797.00 Length: 3 nights, 3 days, live aboard Prerequisites: ASA 101, 103, 104 & 105
General Description:
Able to safely act as skipper and crew of a sailing vessel about 30 to 50 feet in length. This is a day and nighttime Standard in coastal and inland water, in any weather.
CRUISING CATAMARAN SAILING (ASA 114) ASA 114 Cruising Catamaran Certification
Price: $797.00 Length: 2 days Prerequisite: ASA 101, 103, & 104
General Description:
An advanced cruising standard for individuals with cruising experience. Able to act as skipper and crew of a 30-50 foot multihull sailboat by day in coastal waters. The standard includes those skills unique to a 30-50 foot multi hull.
BASIC CELESTIAL ENDORSEMENT (ASA 117) ASA 117 Basic Celestial Endorsement Certification
Price: $298.00 Length: 2 days Prerequisite: ASA 105
General Description:
Understand and demonstrate the use of a sextant and Nautical Almanac to determine one's position at sea when out of sight of land. Students will learn to calculate their latitude by sighting the Sun or Polaris and determine longitude using equal Sun heights around Noon.
*NEW* DOCKING ENDORSEMENT (ASA 118) ASA 118 Docking Endorsement Certification
Price: $349.00 Length: 2 days Prerequisite: None, 101 & 103 Recommended
General Description:
This course further develops basic docking skills, developing techniques for handling single engine sailboats in tight quarters as well as methods of securing sailboats to docks in a variety of conditions.
*NEW* *MARINE WEATHER ENDORSEMENT (ASA 119) ASA 119 Marine Weather Endorsement
Price: $378.00 Length: 2 days Prerequisite: None
General Description:
This course teaches mariners how to take weather into account in the planning and navigation of voyages, both local and offshore. Weather is the most pressing factor in a journey by sail, this course is a must-do for those looking to make their trip a memorable experience for all the right reasons.
Price: $160.00 Club Price: $145.00 Length: 1 days Prerequisite: None
General Description:
This 7-hour class is designed to benefit both boat owners and charterers who operate vessels equipped with diesel engines. The course covers diesel engine systems and teaches students the unique characteristics of marine diesel engines. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand, troubleshoot, and perform basic preventative maintenance and repairs to their diesel engine.
Throughout this course, students receive both lecture and hands-on instruction. Although this course is not designed to produce expert mechanics, students gain a working knowledge of marine diesel engines and the confidence to know when an experienced mechanic is needed.
Students who successfully complete this training program will be registered in the ASA database and earn a sticker for their logbook (Sailing Review 111).
Topics include fuel, lubrication, cooling, exhaust and electrical systems as well as transmission, diagnostics and repairs and spare part discussions.
Please note: A minimum of 3 students are needed to proceed with a class.
A class with 2 or less students signed up, will be rescheduled.